We are a Nuwaay, a web platform that has been developed to help, serve and up-skill the hospitality industry. Did you know that 60% of restaurants fail in their first year, and 80% fail within five years. Our platform was designed to help keep your business alive and offers 3 key services to do so which include: Menu engineering, Promotion & Consultation. We are offering the basic version of this platform for free! Our premium version is just £39.99 per month.

Menu Engineering

Our platform helped a food truck realise that a potato dish with chicken topping was more cost-efficient than selling chicken on its own increasing sales by selling a product customers actually preferred to buy and lowering expenses by 25%. We work with over 50+ street food vendors throughout the U.K. and have learned that they almost never get feedback. We’re solving that by offering them individual menu item reviews that they can turn into actionable changes to their businesses! Our goal is to be the market leader in this segment and offer street food vendors the tools to scale up and grow their businesses!


We have been hosting multiple foodie events at a number of our restaurants partners to help improve their marketing and exposure of their venues after noticing a large gap in the market in this area. Most restaurant have very minimal Marketing/Public relations budgets which leads to a lack of footfall to their restaurants. We are helping them solve this by hosting culturally conscious events that has been supported by multiple prominent food bloggers and blogs. In addition, for each event we support a charity and split profits with venues.

You can see a few of our event on our instagram page here!


Most new restaurant owners have no access to top chefs that could offer guidance on how they could improve their venues that’s why we have started connecting them with our network of Michelin star and executive chefs to help offer 1 to 1 advice on their food, management, staffing and any other issues they may be facing.